Monday, October 22, 2012

Korean Rice Wine Recipe (Makkolli and Clear Wine) - 막걸리와 청주 만들기

On September 22th, 2012, I had an event of making Korean traditional rice wine at my house. This event was for students of Kongbubang Korean class. About 20 people came and learn how to brew the rice wine and enjoyed home-made rice wine and plum wine. Also, we demonstrated distilling the wine to make Soju in the traditional way using Sojugori.

I want to share the basic information about Korean rice wine and the basic recipe. Please note that this recipe is for not only makkoli, but also the clear rice wine.

1.   전통주와 가양주   Traditional Wine and Home Brewed Wine

l  전통주 : 전통 방법으로 만들어진 술. 전통주는 각 지역의 특산물, 기후, 지리 등의 환경에 따라 양조 방법이 다양하게 발전되어 왔다.
Traditional Wine : It has been developed in various ways depending on the environment, for example the local ingredients, weather and geography.
l  가양주 : 가정에서 전통 방식으로 빚어내는 술. 가정에서 소규모로 술을 빚기 시작하면서 전통주는 더욱 다양하게 발전되었다.
Home Brewed Wine : A wide variety of Korean traditional wines were developed since many families began to brew their own wine at home.

2.   한국 전통주의 재료  Korean Traditional Wine Ingredients

(맵쌀), 찹쌀, 좁쌀, 옥수수, 감자, , 과일, 식물의 뿌리 등
rice, glutinous rice, millet, corn, potato, flower, fruit, root, etc

3.   전통주의 종류   Types of Korean Traditional Wine

l  청주 : 쌀 등의 곡물을 이용하여 술을 빚은 후 그 맑은 부분만을 분리한 술
Clear Wine (Sake) : Clear wine, brewed with grains like rice, corn, etc.
l  탁주 : 청주를 떠 내고 난 후의 탁한 술을 거른 술. 혹은 탁주 자체를 목적으로 술을 만드는 경우도 있다.
Cloudy Wine : After you remove the clear wine, there is a thick sediment remaining. If you filter it, you can get cloudy wine. Cloudy wine is sometimes the purpose of brewing.
l  소주 : 청주 혹은 탁주를 증류하여 도수를 높인 술
Soju : Distilled liquor from the clear wine or the cloudy wine.

Making soju by distilling the sake using a traditional Korean distiller, Sojugori

Do you want to try fresh-distilled Soju? It is 50% alcohol.

4.   막걸리란 무엇인가?   What is Makkolli?

전통주의 제조 과정 중에서 청주를 떠 내고 난 후에 탁한 찌꺼기가 남는다. 여기에는 누룩, 곡물 알갱이 등이 들어 있는데, 이를 가는 채로 거른 것을 농주라 한다. 이 농주는 약 15~17%의 알코올이 들어 있다. 여기에 물을 혼합해 약 6~8% 정도 도수로 묽게 만든 것이 막걸리 이다. 막 걸렀다 하여 막걸리라고 한다.
After collecting the clear wine, thick sediment is leftover. It includes yeast, enzymes, grains, etc. If you filter it with mesh, it becomes Nong-Ju (Condensed Wine), which is very thick and is about 15~17% alcohol. If you add water at this stage to make it weaker and watery, it becomes Makkolli. It got its name from “Just Filtered”
Note :     just, very recently       거르다 to filter

Kongbubang students straining makkoli

5.   동동주란 무엇인가?   What is Dongdongju?

발효가 거의 끝나가면 발효가 덜 된 밥알이 술 위에 뜨게 된다. 이 상태에서 마시는 반청주/반탁주의 술을 동동주라 한다. 밥알이 술 위에 동동 떠 있다 하여 동동주이다.
When the fermentations has almost finished, a small amount of rice floats on the surface. Dong Dong is a mimetic word for floating material. For example, 밥알이 동동 떠 있다 means the grains of rice are floating. Dong Dong Ju is a slightly cloudy wine with floating material on the face.

6.   전통주의 기본 원리   Basic Theory of Korean Traditional Wine

곡물 (탄수화물) + 효소>               grains (carbohydrate) + enzyme > sugar
+ 효모 >                             sugar + yeast >alcohol
탄수화물이 당으로 바뀌고 당이 술로 바뀌는 현상이 동시에 일어나게 된다.
The carbohydrate becomes sugar, and the sugar is changed to alcohol. These two processes happen at same time.

7.   누룩   Nuruk ; Dried Wheat Dow with Fungi (Yeast and Enzyme)

누룩은 효소와 효모의 복합체이다. 보통 밀로 만든다. 밀을 잘게 부수고 물을 넣어 반죽한 후 이를 건조시키면서 볏짚, 솔잎 등에 자연스럽게 있는 효모, 효소, 균 등을 배양한다.
It is a composite of yeast and enzyme. It is usually made from wheat. Crush the wheat and add water to make dough. While drying it with rice straws or pine tree leaves, it incubates natural enzymes, fungi and yeast.


8.   단양주, 이양주, 삼양주   Single / Double / Triple Brewed Wine

l  단양주 : 곡물, 누룩, 물 등을 넣어 한번에 술을 만든다.
Single Brewed Wine : Use all ingredients at once and brew it.
l  이양주 : 곡물, 누룩, 물 등을 넣어 밑술을 만든 후 여기에 추가 곡물을 한번 더 넣어 술을 만든다.
Double Brewed Wine : Brew the starter first, and add more ingredients later one more.
l  삼양주 : 밑술 후 추가 곡물을 두 번 넣는다.
Triple Brewed Wine : Brew the starter, and add more ingredients to make the starter stronger, and add more ingredients one more time. This is very stable way to brew the rice wine. You can get bigger amount of wine from this method.

9.   오늘의 술 만들기 - 맵쌀 삼양주   Today’s Mission – Triple Brewed Rice Wine

l  재료 : 2kg, 0.5리터, 누룩 200g    밀가루 100g
Ingredients : rice 2kg,  water 0.5 liters,  nuruk 200g,   wheat flower 100g
3 리터의 탁주와 1리터의 청주를 만들 수 있다. 발효 정도와 추가하는 물의 양에 따라 차이가 있다.
You can get about 3 liters’ cloudy wine and 1 liter’s clear wine. It depends on the strength of the fermentation and the amount of water you add.

l  살균 : 알콜, 끓는 물, 수증기, 락스 등을 이용하여 모든 도구나 용기를 철저하게 살균한다. 살균은 모든 술 만들기의 기본이다.
sterilization : Use alcohol, boiling water, hot steam or bleaching material, sterilize every single piece of equipment. Sterilization is the most important part of brewing.

l  밑술 만들기   Making the starter
1.      200g 을 흰 물이 나오지 않을 때 까지 씻는다.
Wash and rinse 200g rice until you cannot see any white water.
2.      5시간 동안 찬 물에 담궈 놓는다.
Keep it in cold water for 5 hours .
3.      죽을 만든다. 쌀 량의 두배의 물을 넣고 약한 불로 끓인다. 혹은 전기 밥솥에 물을 많이 넣고 만들어도 된다.
Make rice porridge. Put twice more amount of water than the rice, cook it with weak stove. You can use an electronic rice cooker with more water.
4.      죽이 차갑게 식으면 누룩 200g, 밀가루 100g 을 넣고 잘 혼합될 수 있도록 섞어준다. 죽과 누룩이 잘 혼합되어 묽어질 때 까지 10분 동안 손으로 잘 버무려 준다.
When the porridge cools down, add nuruk 200g and wheat flower 100g. Mix it by hand for 10 mins until it becomes more liquid.
5.      용기로 옮긴 후 뚜껑은 덮지 않고 깨끗한 보자기나 키친타월로 용기 입구를 봉하고 고무줄 등으로 묶는다.
Put it in the pot. Cover with a clean fabric or kitchen towel and fasten it with a rubber band.
6.      20~25˚c 되는 어두운 곳에 보관한다.
Keep the pot in a dark place at 20~25˚c.
7.      48시간 후 끓기 시작하면 덧술 1 한다.
After 48 hours, when the it bubbles, add the first ingredient.

Mixing the starter with hands

l  덧술 1   Add the first ingredient (Make the starter even stronger)
1.      300g 을 흰 물이 나오지 않을 때 까지 씻는다.
Wash and rinse 300g rice until you cannot see any white water.
2.      5시간 동안 찬 물에 담궈 놓는다.
Keep is in cold water for 5 hours.
3.      죽을 만든다.
Make a rice porridge.
4.      죽이 차갑게 식으면 밑술과 혼합하고 잘 섞는다.
When it cools down, add it to the base wine and mix it well.
5.      뚜껑은 덮지 않고 깨끗한 보자기로 용기 입구를 봉하고 고무줄 등으로 묶는다.
Put it in the pot. Cover with a clean fabric or kitchen towel and fasten it with a rubber band.
6.      20~25도 되는 어두운 곳에 보관한다.
Keep the pot in a dark place at 20~25˚c.
7.      36시간 후 덧술 2 한다.
After 36 hours, add the second ingredient.

The starter, right before adding the second ingredient. 
You can see it is bubbling a lot. It means the fermentation is strong.

l  덧술 2  Add the second ingredient (Main Ingredient)
1.      1.5kg 을 흰 물이 나오지 않을 때 까지 씻는다.
Wash 1.5kg rice until you cannot see any white water.
2.      5시간 동안 찬 물에 담궈 놓는다.
Keep it in cold water for 5 hours.
3.      채를 이용하여 물을 한시간 이상 뺀다.
Drain the water with net bowl (sieve) for more than 1 hour.
4.      얇은 보자기에 쌀을 담아 찜통에 넣고 50분 정도 찐 후 뚜껑을 열어 밥을 전체적으로 뒤집어 준다. 다시 30분 정도 더 찐다.
Wrap the rice in a thin piece of fabric and put it in a steamer. Steam it for 50 mins and flip the bottom rice up in the cloth and steam it 30 mins more.
5.      찔 수 없는 경우 된 밥을 만든다.
If you cannot steam the rice, boil the rice with less water than when you cook normal rice.
6.      넓게 펴서 차갑게 식힌다.
Spread it out and cool it down.
7.      덧술 1과 잘 섞어준다. 잘 버무려준다. 이 때 밥알이 으깨지지 않도록 조심한다.
Put the rice in the pot, mix well. Try not to crush the rice.
8.      결과물이 너무 걸쭉하면 섞어줄 때 약간의 물(최대 500ml) 의 물을 추가할 수 있다. 이 때 물은 반드시 끓여서 식힌 물이나 생수를 사용한다.
If it is too thick, add a small amount of water (maximum 500 ml). You must boil the water and cool it down before adding it or use mineral water.
참조 : 독하고 단 술을 원하면 걸죽한 것이 좋다. 물을 추가하면 술의 양은 많아지지만 도수는 약하고 덜 달게 된다. 너무 많은 물을 추가하면 식초가 되어버릴 수도 있으니 조심해야 한다.
Note : If you want to get strong and sweet wine, please leave it thick. If you add water, you can get more quantity with weaker alcohol contents and less sweet flavor. Adding too much water can turn the wine to vinegar. Be careful.
9.      뚜껑은 덮지 않고 깨끗한 보자기로 용기 입구를 봉하고 고무줄 등으로 묶는다.
Put it in the pot. Cover with a clean fabric or kitchen towel and fasten it with a rubber band.
10.    20~25도 되는 어두운 곳에 보관한다.
Keep the pot in a dark place at 20~25˚c.
11.    7일 후에 살균한 국자로 술을 뒤집어 준다.
After 7 days, flip the rice from the bottom to the top with a sterilized ladle.

Adding Steamed Rice to the starter

l  청주 뜨기   Get the clear wine
1.      덧술 2 후 약 8~15일 후 윗부분에 청주가 보이기 시작한다. 냉장고로 옮긴다.
After 8~15 days of adding the second ingredient, you can see a clear wine at the top. Move the pot to the fridge.
2.      냉장고에 2~3일 보관하면 위에 술이 더 맑아진다. 이 맑은 부분을 국자로 떠서 따로 병에 보관한다.
After 2~3 days, the clear wine becomes even clearer. Ladle the clear part and put it in a bottle.
3.      이렇게 만들어진 청주의 도수는 약 15~17%이며, 냉장고에서 보관하면 6달 정도 보관 가능하다. 반드시 냉장보관 해야 한다. 냉장고에서 오래 숙성할 수록 그 맛이 좋아진다.
This clear wine is about 15~17% alcohol, you can keep it in the fridge for up to 6 months. You have to keep it in the fridge. The longer it is kept in the fridge, the better it tastes.

Top clear liquid is the clear wine (청주), below is the cloudy wine (탁주).

l  탁주 거르기
1.      청주를 뜨고 난 후에 고은 채를 사용하여 탁한 부분을 거른다.
After you collect the clear wine, filter the cloudy wine by mesh net.
2.      이 술을 먼저 병입한다. 이 술의 도수는 15% 정도이며 냉장고에서 1달 정도 보관 가능하다.
Bottle it first. The alcohol content is about 15%, you can keep it in fridge for up to 1 month.
3.      거르고 남은 찌꺼기에 약간의 물을 섞어 다시 거른다.
Add sterile water to the sediment and filter it again.
4.      이 탁주의 도수는 약 5~8%이며, 냉장고에서 15일 정도 보관 가능하다.
The alcohol content is about 5~8%, you can keep it in fridge for up to 15 days.
5.      3~4일 정도는 냉장 보관해야 맛이 부드러워진다.
Keeping it for 3~4 days in fridge makes the taste better.
6.      실제 음용할 때 입맛에 맞게 물, 꿀 등을 섞어서 마실 수 있다.
You can add water, honey, soda, as you like right before you drink it.

Filtering the cloudy wine.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Free Korean Classes at the Hangul Kongbubang

 A new semester is starting at the Hangul Kongbubang at the Garwol Community Center near Sookmyung Women's University Station on line 4. The following is the lesson schedules for the Thursday and Saturday classes. Check the webpage for directions and other questions.

Thursday Class: Level 0, 1, 2 (Level 2 uses "Wild Korean")
Time: 7:30 pm ~ 9:00 pm

Level 0 only on 18 & 25 of October
18/October : Lesson 01
25/October : Lesson 02
01/November : Lesson 03
08/November : Lesson 04
15/November : Lesson 05
22/November : Lesson 06
29/November : Lesson 07
06/December : Lesson 08
13/December : Lesson 09
20/December : Lesson 10

Saturday Class: Level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (Level 2 uses "Wild Korean")
Time: 4 pm ~ 5:30 pm

13/October : Lesson 01
20/October : Lesson 02
27/October : Lesson 03
03/November : Lesson 04
10/November : Lesson 05
17/November : Lesson 06
24/November : Lesson 07
01/December : Lesson 08
08/December : Lesson 09
15/December : Lesson 10

This is a great way to learn Korean and meet new people. We always go out for dinner/drinks after every class. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wild Korean is Now Available on Ebay

Wild Korean is now available on ebay.
Find it on ebay by searching "Wild Korean Textbook"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

새주소 Vs. 원래 주소 The New Address System Vs. The Original Address System in Korea

Old Address System in Korea

The old address system in Korea is quite confusing. Houses with similar addresses tend to be close to each other, but there is little order. When going to a new place, it is often more useful to use landmarks rather than addresses because houses are not in numerical order along the street and people do not use street names. This system was created during the Japanese colonial period and is also used in Japan to this day. It classifies areas of a city by 구 (district) and 동 (neighborhood). In rural areas, 군(district), 면 (neighborhood) and 리 (close neighborhood). Parcels of land are assigned numbers but in no relation to the street they are on.

Why Is the Old Address System so Confusing?

This is an example map with the old address on it. When they checked the land and the owner for the first time, it should have been much simpler. But for decades of years, the owner might sell some part of his property. Or several people might inherited a land with an address, and they need to give new address to those new properties or lands. In the beginning, one parcel of land might have had an address, but when it's divided to several pieces, they were numbered with dashes following the original numbers.
For example, let's assume there is a big land whose address is 617. If the owner sells a small amount of land in north, it needs to have a new address, and it becomes 617-1. If the owner were to then sell a small amount of land in south, its new address becomes 617-2. In this case, although 617-1 and 617-2 sounds very close to each other, it could be quite far from each other. You can see similar examples on the map above. Please find the address number 141. 141-3 is next to the 141-14 and 141-15.

New Address System   새주소 시스템

Korean government has been trying to promote the new address system. It's much closer to the international address system, assigning road, street and avenue names. It is still confusing because there are so many side roads and narrow allies in Korea, especially in old neighborhoods. But if you keep some concept of the size of street, it could be less confusing. The biggest road is 대로, the next is 로 and the smallest street unit is 길. If there are smaller branch streets of 길, they use the Korean alphabets - 가, 나, 다, 라, ... to name it.

Ex. 서울시 강남구 강남대로 10길 109  (십 길 백구)    
This place is in Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, There is a road whose name is 강남대로. You can guess this is a big road from the road unit, 대로. Along this big road, there is the 10th alley whose name is 10길. If you go into this alley, you will find a house with number 109.

Ex. 서울시 중구 난계로 17길 19-15  (십칠 길, 십구 다시 십오)
This place is in Jung-Gu, Seoul. There is a road whose name is 난계로. If you go into the 17th alley, there is a house with number 19-15.

Ex. 대구시 수성구 달구벌대로 323길 56 (삼백이십삼 길  오십 육)
This place is in Suseong-Gu, Daegu. There is a big road whose name is 달구벌대로. 323번길 is the 323th road along the 달구벌대로. If you go into this road, there is a house with number 56.

Ex. 서울시 중구 퇴계로 88 다길 31 (팔십팔 다 길 삽십 일)
This place is in Jung-Gu, Seoul. There is a road whose name is 퇴계로. If you go into the 88th alley, you can find another branch alley whose additional name is "다". Please remember that "다" is from 가, 나, 다, 라, 마 .....  If you go into this branch alley, there is a house with number 31.

Please see one example map with the new address. This map is the same place with the map above. As there are many alleys, it looks still confusing, but at least the numbers are in the right order.

How to Find Your New or Old Address?

The new address panel is attached on the house. If you know your old address, you can check the new one at You also can covert the new address to old address here. Their English service is not good, it might be better to use Korean.

Promoting the New Address System

Korean government is trying hard to promote this new address system. But people have been using the old system for decades years. It is very difficult to make people to use the new address system within a short time. Although many people know that the new one is more efficient, most people are still using the old system. Also, there are so many narrow allies and small street in Korea, it is still hard to find one location with a single address (though, still easier than the old system). 

What Address System Do I Need to Use???

This is my personal opinion.
I am still using the old one as are most Koreans. If you don't have passion to promote the new address system, please follow what most Korean people are using. If you use the new address system now, many people may be confused. If you feel many Koreans use the new system, then it will be the time when you can try the new system.

One tip, if you are doing something in the government office, it may be easier to use the new address system. The government is officially using the new system.

Friday, May 18, 2012

오고 있어요? / 네. 가고 있어요. Are you coming? / Yes. I am going.

오다 and 가다 are very basic Korean verbs.
오다 means to come, 가다 means to go.
In most cases, the usage of these verbs are same with English.
Let's see the example dialog.

마이크 : 이안! 어디 가요?  Ian!  Where are you going?
이안 : 도서관에 가요.  I am going to the library.

마이크 : 한국에 언제 왔어요?  When did you come to Korea?
이안 : 어제 왔어요.  I came yesterday.

In this dialog, 가다 and 오다 have exactly same meaning and usage with English.

Let's check another dialog. This conversation is on the phone.

마이크 : 지금 어디에요?  오고 있어요?  Where are you now?  Are you coming?
이안 : 네. 가고 있어요.  5분 더 걸릴 거예요.  Yes. I am coming.  It will take 5 more minutes.

It's natural to say "Yes, I am coming" in English, but not in Korean.
Many English speaking people are confused and say "오고 있어요" instead of "가고 있어요".

Let's check another dialog. You can see the similar examples in this dialog.

마이크 : 오늘 우리 집에서 파티가 있어요. 올래요?  I have a party at my house. Do you want to come?
이안 : 몇 시 까지 가야 해요?  By what time should I come?
마이크 : 7시 까지 오세요.  Please come by 7.
이안 : 7시는 너무 빨라요. 8시에 가도 돼요?  7 is too early. Is it okay to come at 8?
마이크 : 네. 8시도 괜찮아요. 8시에 오세요.  Yes. 8 is also okay. Please come at 8.

So, what is the rule? How can I choose the right one?
Let's make it simple.
This is the rule that I found. Please note that there are some exceptions, though.
You need to pay attention the subject first. If the subject is I or We and if the subject is moving, you always need to use "가다".
In other cases, it's same with English.

Ex. (나는) 몇 시 까지 가야 해요?  By what time should I come?
      (나는) 가고 있어요.   I am coming/ I am on my way.
      조금만 기다리세요. 우리는 지금 택시로 가고 있어요.  Please wait for a moment. We are coming by taxi now.


Please fill in blanks using 가다 and 오다. 

마이크 : 이안! 오늘 저녁에 뭐 할 거예요?   What will you do tonight?
이안 : 오늘 저녁에 동대문에               .      I will go to Dongdaemun in the evening.
마이크 : 왜 동대문에                 ?                       Why do you go to Dongdaemun?
이안 : 중국 식당에                  .                 I will go to a Chinese restaurant.
마이크 : 오, 맛있어요?                             Oh.. Is it delicious?
이안 : 네. 맛있어요. 같이            ?            Yes. It's delicious. Do you want to come together?
마이크 : 몇시에                ?                      What time will you go there?
이안 : 7시에                  .                          I will go there at 7.
마이크 : 7시는 너무 빨라요.                      7 is too early.
             8시까지                 ?                   Is it ok to go there by 8?
이안 : 네. 괜찮아요. 8시까지                 .   Yes. It's ok. Please come by 8.
마이크 : 알았어요. 빨리                  .         Ok. I will go quickly.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Making Adjectives from Verbs & Relative Pronouns

You can conjugate Korean verbs to change them into adjectives. Unlike most conjugation rules in Korean, the rules of making adjectives are different for action verbs and the descriptive verbs.

Action Verbs and Descriptive Verbs

Action verbs are similar to English verbs in usage. They can be translated to “to do Verb”. For example, 가다 (to go), 보다 (to see) and 공부하다 (to study) are action verbs.

Descriptive verbs on the other hand are quite different from English. The basic forms of  English adjectives need a verb in order to form a sentence. For example, pretty, beautiful, ugly and small. They are all adjectives by themselves, but they need the verb "to be" to be attached.

This is one of the big differences between English and Korean. The basic forms of Korean adjectives have similar formats with verbs. For example, 맛있다 (to be delicious), 작다 (to be small) and 예쁘다 (to be pretty) are descriptive verbs. The basic form of Korean adjectives can be translated to “to be Adjective” in English. In most cases, the conjugation rules for action verbs and descriptive verbs are same.
But, it is very different to make adjectives from verbs.

Making Adjectives from Descriptive Verbs (Present Tense)

A. Verb stem, ending with vowel + ㄴ

예쁘다 (to be pretty) > 예쁜 (pretty) > 나는 예쁜 여자를 좋아해요.  I like pretty girls.
유명하다 (to be famous) > 유명한 (famous) >  나는 유명한 사람이 아니에요.  I am not a famous person.

B. Verb stem, ending with ㅂ under-consonant : erase ㅂ,  + 운

귀엽다 (to be cute) > 귀여운 (cute) > 나는 귀여운 남자를 좋아해요.  I like cute guys.
아름답다 (to be beautiful) > 아름다운 나라에서 살고 싶어요.  I want to live in a beautiful country.

C. Verb stem, ending with ㄹ : change ㄹ to ㄴ

멀다 (to be far) > 먼 (far) > 아르헨티나는 먼 나라예요.  Argentina is a far country.
힘들다 (to be hard, difficult) > 힘든 (hard, difficult) > 선생님은 힘든 직업이에요.  Teacher is a hard job.

D. Verb stem, ending with under-consonant except ㄹ  +  은

높다 (to be high) > 높은 (high) > 홍콩에 높은 빌딩이 많아요.  There are many tall buildings in Hong Kong.
작다 (to be small) > 작은 (small) > 손이 작은 남자는 xxx도 작아요.  Guys who have small hands, also have small xxx.

E. ~있다/~없다 > ~있는/~없는

맛있다 (to be delicious) > 맛있는 (delicious) > 맛있는 피자를 먹고 싶어요.  I want to eat a delicious pizza.
재미없다 ( to be boring) > 재미없는 (boring) > 재미없는 영화를 봤어요.  I watched a boring movie.

Making Adjectives from Action Verbs (Present Tense)

A. Verb stem, ending with ㄹ : erase ㄹ + 는

팔다 (to sell) > 파는 (selling) > 핸드폰을 파는 남자를 봤어요?  Did you see the mobile phone selling guy? (Did you see the guy who is selling mobile phones)
살다 (to live) > 사는 (living) > 한국에서 사는 친구가 있어요.  I have a friend who is living in Korea.

B. Other verbs : Verb stem + 는

좋아하다 (to like)  >  좋아하는 (who/which like) > 좋아하는 사람이 있어요.  I have someone who I like.
돌아가다 (to return, go back) > 돌아가는 (returning, going back, who/which go back) > 집으로 돌아가는 사람이 많아요.  There are many people who are going back home.

Relative Pronoun

You may already realized that these adjective forms are very similar with the relative pronoun in English.
Please see the examples below.

예쁜 여자를 좋아해요.  I like pretty girls.
In this phrase, 예쁜 can be simply translated as pretty. Let's make it more complicated.

엉덩이가 예쁜 여자를 좋아해요.  I like girls whose bum is pretty.
This phrase is composed with 2 separated phrases; 엉덩이가 예뻐요 and 여자를 좋아해요.
If you change 예뻐요 to 예쁜 - the adjective of 예쁘다,  you can describe more using the relative pronoun.

Let's see more examples.
몸매가 좋다 (body shape is good) + 남자를 좋아하다 (like guys) > 몸매가 좋은 남자를 좋아해요.  I like guys whose body shape is good.
여자를 너무 좋아하다 (like girls too much) + 남자는 바람둥이다 (guys are players) > 여자를 너무 좋아하는 남자는 바람둥이예요. Guys who like girls too much are players.
나보다 무겁다 (be heavier than me) + 사람은 돼지다 (people are pigs) > 나보다 무거운 사람은 돼지예요.  People who are heavier than me are pigs.
집에 가다 (go home) + 사람은 내 친구다 (a person is my friend) > 집에 가는 사람은 내 친구예요. The person who is going home is my friend.

Exercise & Homework

1. Please change the suggested descriptive verbs to adjectives and create a phrase using it like the example below. Post your answers in the comments, or send us an e-mail, wildkorean1 (at) hotmail (dot) com.

Ex. 춥다 > 추운 > 나는 추운 날씨를 싫어해요.  I dislike cold weather.

A. 덥다

B. 쉽다

C. 많다

D. 재미있다

E. 유명하다

F. 다르다

G. Create your own sentence.

2. Please change the suggested action verbs to adjectives and create a phrase using it like the example below.

Ex. 가다 > 가는 > 학교 가는 날이 언제에요?  When is the day when I go to school? (When should I go  to school?)

A. 죽이다

B. 원하다

C. 운동하다

D. Create your own sentence.

3. Please make one phrase from two phrases using relative pronoun like the example below.

Ex. 섹시한 춤을 추다 + 사람이 많이 있다 > 섹시한 춤을 추는 사람이 많이 있어요.  (There are many people who dance sexy dance.)
      맛있는 칵테일이 있다 + 술집을 가고 싶다 > 맛있는 칵테일이 있는 술집에 가고 싶어요.  (I want to go a bar which has delicious cocktails.)

A. 개고기를 먹다 + 사람이 많다

B. 스마트폰을 사용하다 + 사람이 부자다

C. 코가 크다 + 사람은 xxx 도 크다

D. 냉면이 유명하다 + 식당을 알다

E. Create your own sentence.

4. Please use suggested verbs and make a phrase  using relative pronoun like the example below. Please be creative.

Ex. 키스하다 > 내 여자친구와 키스하는 남자를 죽이고 싶어요.  (I want to kill the guy who kisses my girlfriend.)
     마시다 > 술을 많이 마시는 사람은 일찍 죽어요. (People who drinks a lot die early.)

A. 섹시하다

B. 차갑다

C. 운동하다

D. 보내다

E. Create your own sentence.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Two Korean Jokes to Brighten Your Day

It's been a while since we've posted any jokes up here, so we'll make up for lost time by teaching you two today!

What did the bus driver say to the bread?
빵빵! (bbang bbang)

What did the bus driver say to the egg?
계란! (Gye-ran)

Get it? 빵 is bread in Korean. It's also the sound of a horn honking!
계란  is egg in Korean. It also sounds a lot like "get on" in English!

Know any other good Korean jokes? Post them in the comments! For more jokes, click here.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Looking for a free Korean class in Seoul?

Well, look no further! Our Saturday Korean classes have started again near Sookmyung Women's University Station on line 4 (very close to Itaewon!). Also, There will be beginner and low intermediate classes offered every Thursday night from 7-9. See the website for the class schedule, directions and contact information. .

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Are You Boring? 지루해요?

상현 : 지금 뭐 해요?    What are you doing now?
조안나 : 블로그 하고 있어요.   I am blogging.
상현 : 재미있어요?   Is it fun?
조안나 : 그냥 그래요. 조금 지루해요.  It is just so so. It is a bit boring.
상현 : 지루해요?  Are you boring?
조안나 : Am I boring?

지루하다 is an interesting word. 지루하다 has 2 meaning, to be boring and to be bored.
This is why Many Koreans often make the mistake of asking whether you are boring, not bored.

Please don't be upset if someone asks you if you are boring, most of them probably want to ask whether you are bored.

How can you know which meaning of 지루하다 is being used?
You just need to understand the context.

Please see the conversation below.
상현 : 취미가 뭐에요?   What is your hobby?
콩쥐 : 없어요.   I don't have one.
상현 : 지난 주말에 뭐 했어요?   What did you do last weekend?
콩쥐 : 집에서 잤어요.  I slept at home.
상현 : 콩쥐씨 인생은 너무 지루해요!  인생을 즐기세요!  Your life is boring! Please enjoy your life! 
In this conversation, 지루하다 means "to be boring".

Please see the another conversation below.
상현 : 어떤 스타일의 남자를 좋아해요?   What kind of guy do you like?  (What is your type?)
팥쥐 : 나는 웃긴 남자를 좋아해요.  I like funny guys.
상현 : 나는 어때요?   How about me?
팥쥐 : 상현씨는.. 음.... 조금 지루해요.  You are... hm.. a bit boring.
In this conversation, 지루하다 means "to be boring".

Please see the another conversation below.
상현 : 주말에 뭐 했어요?   What did you do last weekend?
콩쥐 : 집에서 잤어요.  I slept at home.
상현 : 안 지루했어요?  Weren't you bored?
콩쥐 : 괜찮았어요.  It was ok.
In this conversation, 지루하다 means "to be bored".

Let's check other verbs.

심심하다  :  to be bored
심심하다 does NOT mean "to be boring".

역겹다 : to be disgusting, to be disgusted
Ex. 번데기 냄새는 역겨워요.  The smell of the silk worm larva is disgusting.
      번데기 냄새 때문에 역겨워요.  I am disgusted by the smell of silk worm larvae.

무섭다 : to be scared, to be scary
Ex. 이 영화는 무서워요.  This movie is scary.
      어제 혼자 잤어요. 그래서 무서웠어요.  I slept alone yesterday. So I was scared.

헷갈리다 : to be confused, to be confusing
Ex. 여기 지도를 잘 보면, 헷갈리지 않을 거예요.  If you see this map carefully, you will not be confused.
      이 지도는 너무 헷갈려요.  This map is very confusing.

Homework: Make one sentence using 지루하다 as "to be bored" and "to be boring". Write one more sentences using the additional verbs at the end of the lesson. Post your sentences in the comments or email them to us!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

전화 받으세요! Please receive the phone! What??

Douglas : Did you call me?
상현 : Yes. Why didn't you receive the phone?
Douglas : What phone?
상현 : I called you, and you didn't receive the phone!!!
Douglas : What are you talking about? What phone do I need to receive?
상현 : I mean, why you didn't answer my phone call?

This is a simple conversation about phone calling, and it really happened to me and Douglas, the illustrator of the Wild Korean textbook. This is a common mistake made by Korean people but it's useful to learn some more Korean grammar. Let's see some more expressions about phone calling and compare it with English expressions.

1. Basic Vocabulary about Phone Call
전화 : phone
전화(를) 하다 : to call (phone call)
전화(를) 받다 : to answer the phone call
                          to pick up the phone
                          to get a phone call (usually used as past tense)
받다 : to receive
전화(가) 오다 : to get a phone call

Ex. 지금 전화 하세요.  Please call now.
      어제 전화 받았어요.  I got a phone call yesterday.
      전화 받으세요!  Please pick up the phone!
      내일 메가한테 전화 올 거예요.  I will get a phone call from Megha tomorrow. (Megha will call me tomorrow.)
      더글러스!! 전화 왔어요. 전화 받으세요.  Douglas!! You have a phone call. Please pick up the phone.
      더글러스!! 전화 왔었어요.  Douglas!! Someone called you. .

Please note 전화왔어요 is used like present tense and 전화왔었어요 is used as past tense for 전화하다.

2. Calling  a Person or a Place
~ 한테 : to ~ (person)   Ex. 조안나한테 전화하세요.  Please call Jo-Anna.
~에게 : to ~ (person)  Ex. 션에게 전화했어요.  I called Sean.
~에 : to ~ (place)  Ex. 119에 전화했어요.  I called 119.    119 : emergency call in Korea
                                   경찰서에 전화했어요.  I called a police station.
                                   서비스 센터에 전화하세요.  Please call the service center.

Please note that you need to use 전화하다 verb.
~한테, ~에게 and 에 can all be used interchangeably here and there is no difference in formality. 

3. Calling from a Person or a Place
~ 한테 or ~에게 : from ~ (person)
Ex. 조안나한테 전화 왔어요.  I (or someone) am getting a phone call from Jo-Anna.
      조안나한테 전화 왔었어요.  I(or someone) got a phone call from Jo-Anna (Jo-Anna called.)
      조안나한테 전화 올 거예요.  I(or someone) will get a phone call from Jo-Anna. (Jo-Anna will call me (or someone).
      조안나한테 전화 받았어요.  I (or someone) got a phone call from Jo-Anna.

Please note that you usually need to use 전화오다 and 전화받다 verb.
You can use 전화오다 verb as past, present and future tense, but you can use 전화받다 as past tense only. 

~에서 : from ~ (place)
Ex. 인도에서 전화왔어요.  You(or other person) get a phone call from India.
      학교에서 전화왔었어요. You(or other person) got a phone call from the School.
Please note that you usually need to use 전화오다 verb.

If ~한테 and ~에서 means "from ~", you need to omit the subject.

Note : 학교에서 전화왔어요.  You(or someone)  get a phone call from the school.
           학교에서 전화했어요.  I (or someone) called at the school.
           학교에서 전화 받았어요.  I (or someone) got the phone call at the school.

3. Mixing with ~에서 and ~한테

A (place) 에서 B (person)  한테 : from A to B
Ex. 미국에서 조안나한테 전화 왔었어요.  Jo-Anna got a phone call from America.
      학교에서 부모님한테 전화할 거예요.  Your parents will get a phone call from the school.

4. Mixing with Subject and ~에,한테,에게

메건이 집에 전화했어요.  Megan called home.
메건이 나한테 전화했어요.  Megan called me.
메건이 나에게 전화할 거예요.  Megan will call me.

5. Hang Up !!   

전화(를) 끊다 : to hang up
전화(가) 끊기다 : to be hanged up

전화 끊으세요! : Please hang up.
전화가 끊겼어요.  The phone was hanged up.

Translate the following sentences and post them in the comments:
1. My friend called me yesterday
2. I got a phone call from America.
3. Jo-Anna will call Sanghyun tomorrow.
4. Make your own sentence.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

국민가요 - 장윤정의 어머나, Everyone’s Favorite K-Pop “어머나” of Jang Yun Jeong

This song, 어머나 has been very popular since it came out in 2004. Almost every Korean people know this song. But, it’s not a recent song, it's not easy to listen to this song on TV or radio.
If you sing this song in 노래방 (Karaoke), your Korean friends may be surprised by your K-Pop ability.

중요한 표현   Key Expressions

이러지 마세요.  Don’t act like this.
모르는 척 했어요.  I pretended not to know.
거짓말 처럼 당신을 사랑해요.  I love you like a lie

가사   Lyrics

어머나 어머나
이러지 마세요

여자의 마음은

안 돼요.
왜 이래요.

묻지 말아요.

더 이상 내게

원하시면 안돼요.

오늘 처음 만난 당신이지만,

내 사랑인걸요.

헤어지면 남이 되어

모른 척 하겠지만

좋아해요. 사랑해요.

거짓말 처럼 당신을
소설 속에, 영화 속에,
멋진 주인공은 아니지만,


말해 봐요.

당신 위해서라면,

다 줄게요.

어머나 : oops, oh my, oh!  
이러지 마세요 : don’t do like this.
“이렇게 하지 마세요.” is full sentence.
이렇게 : like this, as this
여자 : woman    마음 : mind, heart
갈대 : reed
~(이)랍니다. : special ending conjugation for more intension
안 돼요 : not possible,  no way
왜 : why   이래요 : do like this
왜 이래요? : why do you do like this?
“왜 이렇게 해요?” is full sentence
묻지 말아요 : don’t ask   basic form is “묻다”
묻다 : to ask, to bury
더 : more   이상 : more than, over    내 : my, I, me
내게 : to me     ~(에)게 : to~
원하시면 안돼요 : cannot want, not allowed to wan
basic form is “원하다”            원하다 : to want
오늘 : today     처음 : first, first tie
만난 : adjective form of “만나다”     만나다 : to meet  
당신 : you       ~(이)지만 : ~, but…
내 : my,  shorter form of “나의”      사랑 : love
~인걸요 : special ending conjugation for more intension
헤어지면 : if separate, if broken up   basic form is “헤어지다”
헤어지다 : to part from, to separate, to divorce, to be broken up
남 : other, stranger, estranged person       되다 : to become
되어 : become and then   basic form is “되다”
모른(모르는) 척 하다 : to pretend not to know
basic form is “모르다”      모르다 : to not know
하겠지만 : will do, but…   basic form is “하다”
하다 (to do)  > 하겠다 (will do)  > 하겠지만 (will do, but…)
좋아해요 : I like you., basic form is “좋아하다”
사랑해요 : I love you., basic form is “사랑하다”    사랑 : love
거짓말 : lie     ~ 처럼 : like ~         당신 : you

소설 : novel   영화 : movie      속 : inside   ~에 : at~
멋진 : stylish, cool, adjective form of “멋지다”
멋지다 : to be stylish
주인공 : main character in a movie or novel
아니지만 : is not, but…   아니지만 = 아니다 + 하지만
괜찮아요 : it’s ok,  that’s all right.  basic form is “괜찮다”
괜찮다 : to be ok, to be all right
말해 봐요 : please try to tell     basic form is “말하다”
말하다 : to tell, to speak
위해서 : for ~      Noun (이)라면 : if it is Noun
당신 위해서라면 : if it’s for you    
다 : all      줄게요 : I will give     basic form is “주다”  
주다 : to give

다양한 표현   More Expressions

싫어요.  I don’t like it.  I hate it.  No, thanks.
죽고 싶냐?  Do you want to die? (informal)
꺼져!  Get out of here! (informal)
토나와!  I feel like vomiting. (informal)
저 남자친구랑 같이 왔어요.  I came here with my boyfriend.

어휘   Vocabulary
1. 노래와 음악   Song and Music
노래/노래하다/노래 부르다   song/to sing/to sing
음악 music
가사 words of song
가수 signer
악보 music score
발라드 ballad
헤비메탈 heavy metal
댄스뮤직 dance music
트로트/뽕짝 old style K-Pop
힙합(히팝) hip hop
클래식 Classic
가요 K-pop
국악 Korean traditional music
국민 가요 most Korean people’s favorite K-Pop       국민  citizen

2. “이렇다 / 저렇다 / 그렇다”의 활용      Conjugation of “이렇다 / 저렇다 / 그렇다”
이렇다 to be like this       저렇다 to be like that         그렇다 to be like so
이래요 be like this       저래요 be like that         그래요 be like so / yes / ok
이랬어요 past form       저랬어요 past form                 그랬어요 past form
이럴 거예요 future form     저럴 거예요 future form         그럴 거예요  future form
Adverb 이렇게      저 이렇게 살아요  I live like this.
           저렇게      저렇게 하지 마세요  Don't act like that.
        그렇게(like it/so) 그렇게 하지 마세요  Don’t act like it/so.
Adjective 이런 이런 음식을 먹을 수 있어요? Can you eat foods like this?
        저런 저런 놈은 만나지 마세요.  Don't meet a jerk like that.
        그런 그런 사람 싫어요.  I don’t like a person like that.
don't do 이렇게 하지 마세요. > 이러지 마세요.  Don't act like this.
        저렇게 하지 마세요. > 저러지 마세요.  Don't act like that.
        그렇게 하지 마세요. > 그러지 마세요.  Don't act like so.
If ~          이렇게 하면 어때요? > 이러면 어때요?  If you act like this, how is it?
        저렇게 하면 나빠요. > 저러면 나빠요.  If you act like that, it’s bad.

문법   Grammar

Please download the Free Trial Sample to see the Basic Conjugation Paper in the Appendix.

1.    Emphasizing a Complement     Noun + ~()랍니다
The noun in front of “()랍니다” is emphasized. It’s often used to make a phrase more poetic.
A.    Noun, with end with vowel + 랍니다.     
갈대랍니다.  It is the REED. (puts more intension on REED)
이 음식은 불고기 랍니다.  This food is 불고기.
B.    Noun, with end with under-consonant + 이랍니다.  
이 사람은 제 동생 이랍니다.  This person is my elder brother.

2.    Polite Commands, Negative Form     Verb Stem + ()세요
이러지 마세요.  Don’t act like this.       
묻지 말아요(마세요).  Please, don’t ask.
Please see the Basic Conjugation rule #9, Negative Form for ask/order.
ü  Instead of “마세요”, you can use “말아요” for saying “don’t do verb”
If you use “말아요”, it’s a little bit less polite than “마세요”. But, it’s still polite.
Using “마세요” is more recommended at most cases.

3.    Asking and Giving Permission, Negative Form     Verb stem + /으면 + 안돼요
원하시면 안돼요. (원하면 안돼요.)  You are not allowed to want.
Please see the Basic Conjugation Paper, #12, Negative Form
ü  If you follow the Basic Conjugation Paper, it becomes “원하면 안돼요”.
But, if you put “()” after the verb stem, it becomes more polite form.

4.    But Statements     Stem of Conjugated Verb + 지만
하지만” means “but”. You can connect this “하지만” with a statement.
Ex. 당신이에요 + 하지만 > 당신이지만...  it’s you, but...
주인공은 아니에요 + 하지만 > 주인공은 아니지만...
although you aren’t the main actor
맛있어요 하지만 맛있지만...  it’s delicious, but...
      나는 공부해요 하지만 나는 공부하지만...  I study, but...
      나는 공부했어요  + 하지만 나는 공부했지만...  I studied, but...
      공부할 거예요  + 하지만 공부할 거지만...  I will study, but...
      사람은 모두 죽어요  + 하지만 사람은 모두 죽지만...  People all die, but...
      내 개는 죽었어요  + 하지만 내 개는 죽었지만...  My dog died, but...
      나는 곧 죽을 거예요  + 하지만 나는 곧 죽을 거지만...  I will die soon, but...
집에 가고 싶어요  + 하지만 집에 가고 싶지만...  I want to go home, but...
      파티에 가고 싶었어요  + 하지만 파티에 가고 싶었지만... 
I wanted to go the party, but...

5.    Ending With Emphasis     Noun + 인걸요
“Noun + 인걸요” ending is for more emphasis on the noun in front of “인걸요”.
It can be translated as “Come on!!!, It’s  NOUN!!!”.
Ex. 사랑 인걸요.  Come on!!! It’s love!!!
바보 인걸요.  Come on!!! He’s stupid!!!
Example Conversation
그 사람이 한국어를 해요?  Does the person speak Korean?
그럼요한국사람 인걸요.  Of course. Come on!!!  He’s a Korean!!

6.    If ~ /  When ~      Verb Stem + ()
헤어지면   if/when separate/broken up,
Please see the Basic Conjugation Paper, #22.

7.    Pretending     Verb Stem + /하는/인 척 하다
 “Verb stem + /하는/인 척 하다” means “pretend to do Verb”.
Below rule is effective for only action verb (verb style verb). For adjective style verb, please follow the same rule with the grammar #4 of the chapter 9.
A.    Verb stem, ending with  under-consonant : remove   +  는 척 하다
모른(모르는척 하겠지만  will pretend not to know each other, but...
놀다 > 나는 집에서 노는 척 했어요.  I pretended to play at home.
B.    Noun + () > 인척 하다.
귀신이다 > 나는 귀신인 척 할 거예요.  I will pretend to be a ghost.
C.    하다 verb > 하는 척 하다.
공부하다 > 나는 공부하는 척 했어요.  I pretended to study.
사랑하다 > 남편을 사랑하는 척 할 거예요.  I will pretend to love my husband.
D.    Other Verbs : Verb stem + 는 척 하다.
먹다 > 나는 밥을 먹는 척 했어요. I pretended to eat a meal.
8.    Like ~       ~ 처럼
“Noun + 처럼”   means   “like Noun” or “as Noun”.
Ex. 거짓말 처럼 당신을 사랑해요.  Like a lie, I love you.
나 처럼 하세요.  Please act like me.
나는 치타 처럼 빨리 달릴 수 있어요.  I can run fast like a cheetah.

9.    Polite Recommendations     Verb Stem + //해 보세요
말해 봐요. (말해 보세요)    Please try to tell / Why don’t you tell.
Please see Basic Conjugation Paper, #15.

10. Future tense with speaker’s intension     Verb Stem + 게요 / ㄹ게요 / 을게요
다 줄게요.  I will give you everything.  
Please see Basic Conjugation Paper, #17.

연습문제 & 숙제   Exercise & Homework

1.     Please use the suggested word, and make sentences like the example below.
Ex. 아들 > 저 사람이 제 아들이랍니다.
A.    대통령
B.    바보
C.    Create your own phrase.

2.     Please use the suggested verbs and make sentences like the example below.
Ex. 가다 > 회사에 가지 마세요(말아요).
A.    공부하다.
B.    나오다.
C.    켜다
D.    노래 부르다
E.    그렇게 하다
F.     Create your own phrase.

3.     Please use the suggested verbs and fill in the blanks like the example below.
Ex. 담배 피우다 > 여기는 지하철역 이에요담배 피우면 안돼요.
팔다  웃다   뛰다   전화하다    버리다   놀다   믿다   마시다
A.    쓰레기를 길에                                           .
B.    이 물건은 정말 중요해요절대                                        .
C.    내일 시험이 있어요                                             .
D.    저 사람은 사기꾼 이에요절대                                         .
E.    이 물은 더러워요.                                         .

4.     Please use the suggested word and make sentences like the example below.
Ex. 잘생겼어요 + 하지만 = 잘생겼지만 > 그는 잘생겼지만 멍청해요.
A.    부자예요하지만
B.    맛있어요하지만
C.    사랑했어요하지만
D.    술 마시면 안 돼요하지만
E.    Create your own phrase. 

5.     Please use the suggested word, and make sentences like the example below.
Ex. 불고기 > 이것이 유명한 불고기 인걸요.
A.    겨울
B.    천재
C.    Create your own phrase.
D.    Create your own phrase.
6.     Please make the suggested phrases to one phrase like the example below.
Ex. 집에 가다숙제를 하다 > 집에 가면 숙제를 해요.
A.    술을 마시다머리가 아프다.
B.    머리가 아프다타이레놀을 먹는다.
C.    Create your own phrase.
D.    Create your own phrase.

7.     Please use the suggested word, and make sentences like the example below.
Ex. 일하다 > 나는 일하는 척 했어요.
A.    운동하다
B.    싸우다
C.    찾다
D.    Create your own phrase.
8.     Please select words from the word list, and make sentences using “~처럼” method like the example below. 
 장미    천사    얼음   호수    바다    안젤리나 졸리    브래드 피트
        터프하다   섹시하다    입술이 두껍다   예쁘다   깊다   차갑다  맑다
 Ex. 당신은 장미 처럼 예뻐요.
9.     Please use the suggested verbs and fill in the blanks like the example below.
Ex. 담배 피우다 이 담배는 정말 맛있어요한번 피워 보세요.
      찾다    적다    입다    신다     대답하다    자르다
A.    이 옷은 정말 예뻐요한번                     .
B.    이 신발은 참 편해요한번                     .
C.    이 근처에 보물이 있어요.                      .
D.    “Name”이 한국말로 뭐에요?  매튜 씨,                       .
E.    짧은 머리가 예쁠 것 같아요머리 한번 짧게                      .
10.  Please use the suggested word, and make sentences like the example below.
Ex. 기다리다 > 9시까지 집에서 당신을 기다릴게요.
A.    보내다
B.    부르다
C.    바꾸다
D.    떠나다
E.    Create your own phrase.
11.  Please answer the questions.
A.    어머나”’는 누구 노래에요?

B.    어머나는 어떤 종류의 노래에요?

C.    노래방에 가면 어머나를 부를 거예요?

D.    좋아하는 가요 있어요?

E.    좋아하는 가수가 누구에요?